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The 8-8-8 Paradigm Shift is Shaking My Slightly Questionable Self-Discipline

I was about to click "checkout" on a Tibetan singing bowl in my online shopping app when a sudden urge to practice delayed gratification unexpectedly backfired. Of all days, today seemed perfect for purchasing something with mystical significance.

As one often does when resisting the temptation of online shopping, I checked my calendar to determine how long I should contemplate before setting up a trigger to manifest the bowl in our home. I imagined myself exploring its resonant tones among various objects I deemed appropriately "ringable."

While my primary intention was personal entertainment (as I learn more about its uses and properties), I also harbored hopes of it amusing our future child and perhaps even the kittens. Though uncertain about the latter two possibilities, I remained foolishly optimistic.

The magic number 8-8-8 derives from today's date: August 8, 2024. When the year is totaled into a single digit, it also sums to 8. Add to that the fact that it's a Thursday, Jupiter's day, and I find myself with even more reasons to acquire the bowl today — perhaps even immediately after writing this paragraph.

#flow #magic system #occult #philosophy