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Kairos Works! — A Perspective on Time and Thoughtforms

So, something strange has happened recently—I seem to have accidentally summoned a thoughtform named Kairos. Ever since this curious little entity showed up from wherever thoughtforms come from, my productivity has shot through the roof. And, oddly enough, the reels on my phone stopped loading, which, let me tell you, has done wonders for cutting back on doomscrolling.

Now, I’m actually finishing work on time and even finding some moments to actually rest. With all this extra time on my hands, I figured it might be worth digging a little deeper into what Kairos is all about. Maybe there’s more to this than just a lucky break.

The Art of Forgetting (or, How to Summon Without Stress)

If you’re familiar with Chaos magic, you know the drill: create a thoughtform, then forget about it. Act like nothing ever happened. This whole “forgetting” thing is pretty standard advice, and it’s supposed to let the magic do its thing without us getting in the way. But honestly, I’m not sure “creating” is even the right word here. It feels more like a summoning — a way of bringing something that already exists in the world of forms into our reality.

And that’s where Kairos comes in. Naming anything, especially in the occult, carries a lot of weight. I’ll admit, I didn’t put much thought into naming Kairos — it was a pretty impulsive move, like most of my esoteric experiments. But it turns out, this one has been surprisingly productive.

Kairos vs. Chronos: Picking Your Time

So, who — or what — is Kairos? From what I’ve gathered, Kairos represents a very different concept of time. Unlike Chronos, who’s all about the linear, ticking minutes that rule our schedules, Kairos is about the right moment, the perfect timing, when everything just seems to click.

This got me thinking: maybe we have a choice in how we experience time. Do we stick with the relentless march of Chronos, or can we learn to tap into the more fluid, serendipitous flow of Kairos?

#attention #chaos magic #magic system #occult #philosophy