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July 7, 2024: A Journal Entry Reflecting on The Path of Least Resistance

I'm in the midst of my errands when I found a bit of free time to sit in Dunkin and have a cup of Spanish Latte and some donuts. All my major tasks are done now, and I'm merely doing side quests.

Today, like the past week, I've been waking up at 4 am, and as a result everything, chores, communication, plans, seem to flow with ease. Might the path of least resistance be presenting itself during this time of the day, when the sun is yet to rise?

Maybe the friction of waking up early is considerably a high hill or a flowy slide in the perspective of the path of least resistance?

Could it also be that with waking up early, the act of service, of helping the one's you love or those in need also proves to create a better flowing day regardless if it is the same with the path of least resistance or an all throughout different concept like maybe karma?

#magic system #philosophy