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It's One of Those I Wish I Have an Air Fryer Days

Sunlight seeps into our bedroom through the open window above the air conditioner, warming the lazy weekend air. I'm sprawled out on my desk's chair, limbs akimbo like a rag doll tossed aside. My legs stretch so far they might just pop off and stroll away on their own adventure. In my hand, a clear mug holds the sad remains of what was once a frosty iced coffee, now just a lukewarm puddle of broken caffeine dreams.

You'd think I'd be knee-deep in some grand weekend project by now. Nope. My ambition's gone AWOL, leaving me to the thrilling world of... air fryer reviews. My fingers tap-dance across the phone screen, diving deeper into this rabbit hole of kitchen gadgetry.

an animated funny air fryer with googly eyes

Why air fryers, you ask? Well, let's rewind to breakfast. The kitchen looks like a crime scene. Limp lumpia lies murdered on the cutting board, oil splattered everywhere like evidence of a culinary crime gone wrong. Our kitchen, for all its not-so-shiny well-used appliances, lacks a deep fryer. And shallow frying? It's a greasy horror show that leaves more oil on my shirt than the food.

So here I am, scrolling through endless options of air fryers like they're the holy grail of cooking. My very pregnant wife has been hit hard by the fried food craving truck, and I'm just the willing accomplice, ready to enable our crispy dreams.

One by one, air fryers pop into my cart. Poof! There goes our sensible microwave plan, replaced by visions of guilt-free, oil-less indulgence. It's funny how one mangled breakfast can send you careening into the arms of yet another kitchen gizmo.

But hey, it's the weekend. The perfect time for earth-shattering decisions like, "Do I really need another counter-top dust collector?" In this moment, cloaked in the glow of my phone screen, the answer screams, "Absolutely, without a doubt... probably?"

And so I sit, basking in the warm light of potential purchases, dreaming of a future where everything comes out of the kitchen perfectly crisp. Because nothing screams "adulting champion" quite like buying an air fryer while still rocking yesterday's pajamas at high noon.

#appreciation #life