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notes on my desktop

SUP! I'm samnathis

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Just your friendly neighborhood artist × philosopher, doing his best to think outside the box (mostly because he lost the instructions).

Welcome to my little corner of the internet—a place born from my desperate need to journal without my handwriting getting in the way. Here, thoughts flow freely, unburdened by the tyranny of my messy scrawl.

Life's Latest Chapter

I recently married the love of my life, and we’re diving headfirst into the wild ride of parenthood! This new chapter has flung open numerous windows of introspection, inviting me to explore the liminal spaces of my mind—because, let’s be honest, sleep deprivation does wonders for philosophical pondering! 😅

Why This Blog Exists

This blog serves multiple purposes:

  1. A Canvas for Introspection: I've chosen to entertain, record, and lay out my thoughts here for the universe to inspect, fostering exponential personal growth.

  2. Personal Journal × Small Web Entry: In a deliberate step away from mainstream social media and its algorithmic dread, this space allows for more authentic expression.

  3. Sharing: By curating my own digital space, I aim to contribute to a more organically positive future for individuals sharing their thoughts on the internet.

What You'll Find Here

Reader's Note: Approach these notes, experiments and musings, with an open mind. Feel free to season them with a grain of salt, a sprinkle of sugar, or whatever spice suits your palate and the occasion.

Join Me on This Journey

As I stumble through the wild terrains of new fatherhood, artistic expression, and philosophical musings (mostly fueled by caffeine and soon baby giggles), I invite you to witness — and maybe even join — this unpredictable adventure.

Magical cheers, and welcome to my corner of the small web!

Last updated: 8/13/2024