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A Personal Simple Pathworking for Overall Health and Wellness (Experiment?)

Every night before bed, I've been engaging in deliberate pathworking. It's become my trigger to unwind and release the day's tensions. This practice has taken on new significance recently, as it's not just about personal relaxation anymore - it's become a tool for healing and protection.

A Catalyst for Change

My wife's been battling a minor cough lately. Normally, I'd dismiss it as a natural occurrence given the recent erratic weather. However, with her pregnancy, I couldn't simply let it slide. Our unborn child has made me hyper-aware of every little health concern.

Aside from brewing her ginger tea occasionally, I've turned to an old method that's worked for me before: pathworking.

Understanding Pathworking

For those unfamiliar, pathworking is a meditative technique that involves visualizing a specific journey or environment. It's used for various purposes, including:

In my case, I'm focusing on creating a space of healing and tapping into the collective energy (or egregore) of wellness.

A Childhood Connection

This practice resonates deeply with me, rooted in my childhood experiences. As a child, I was always a vivid dreamer. The boundaries between dreams and reality seemed so thin that I remember elements of the dream world crossing over into my childhood bedroom.

I recall waking up to see figures at the foot of my bed, and once even on my side pillow. That frog that I found beside me when I woke up still haunts my waking self for its meaning or even if it was an actual frog.

This early experience with liminal spaces has made pathworking feel natural and powerful to me. It's as if I'm reconnecting with a part of myself that always knew how to navigate these in-between realms.

The Healing Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

My current pathworking routine goes like this:

  1. The Setting: It begins in an open field with soft, waist-high green grass stretching to an endless horizon. The sky is a cloudless light purple, darkening as it nears the horizon. A pastel purple, almost white sun hangs in a noon position.

  2. The Atmosphere: A comforting wind blows rhythmically, gently swaying the grass. This constant, gentle motion helps induce a trance-like state.

  3. The Breath: As I breathe in, I inhale the purple light of the sun. This light seems to glisten and become visible with each deep breath. It's everywhere, surrounding me completely.

  4. The Exploration: There's no set destination in this space. I can walk aimlessly through the field or sit and meditate. The lack of a fixed path allows for spontaneous healing experiences to occur.

  5. The Encounters: Occasionally, I encounter entities related to healing factors - perhaps a personified illness, a root cause, or a trauma. In this sacred space, these entities are always kind, understanding, and docile. They, too, seek the blessings of this place.

  6. The Immersion: I remain in this healing realm until sleep overtakes me, allowing the energy I've absorbed to permeate my being and, hopefully, extend to those around me like an aura of wellness.

The Power of Intention

Through this nightly ritual, I aim to create a healing atmosphere not just for myself, but for my wife and our unborn child. It's become a powerful tool for:

I've noticed that on nights when I perform this ritual with particular focus, my wife's cough seems less severe the next day. While this could be coincidence, the possibility that my intentions are having a real impact keeps me motivated to continue.

Conclusion: Healing is a Journey of Hope

As we navigate this pregnancy and prepare for the arrival of our child, this pathworking practice has become more than just a personal ritual. It's a manifestation of my hope, love, and desire to protect my growing family.

Whether the effects are physical, psychological, or a combination of both, I find comfort in this nightly journey to a realm of healing. It's a reminder that even in times of worry or illness, we have the power to envision and work towards wellness.

In the soft purple light of my imagined sun, I find the strength to face whatever challenges tomorrow may bring.

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